Healthcare services demand more from their leaders than ever before, and those demands are getting greater each day. For healthcare systems to thrive in today’s market they need managers, directors and executive staff who are thriving and shifting to these changes. Healthcare Leaders, who are continuously transformed through their coaching experience, will improve as individuals. In the midst of unprecedented challenges, they will foster a productive workforce, resulting in a healthcare system that will not only withstand today’s challenges but SUCCEED!
Dr. Tweedy’s coaching model:
- PSYCHCOACH coaches and trains individuals to be the best healthcare leaders of today and tomorrow, by unlocking and harnessing their greatest potential and strengths, in order to achieve maximum personal and professional fulfillment and success.
- Individuals will increase their overall leadership skills through increasing self-awareness and insight, increasing self-efficacy, dramatically improving interpersonal skills, obtaining objective information about their personality type and leadership style, and clarifying their personal and career goals.
- Executives will be assisted with developing insight, identifying strategies, and honing skills to enable them to perform more effectively in their professional role, while facilitating phenomenal professional success and satisfaction.
- Corporations will thrive in today’s healthcare marketplace through the outstanding leadership skills of their administration and will enjoy a significant return on investment through retaining their workforce, creating best practices in each service line, creating new service lines and increasing their market share.